Monday, February 4, 2008

Christmas Day

Good Ol' Christmas Day!
It was great except for the fact that
I was the only one to sleep under
the Christmas Tree!


Anonymous said...

Hey there!

I'm so glad you sent me your blog spot! I hope you can come see us soon here in the Tri-Cities! Let me know when your big tournament is in March for volleyball in Spokane. We'd love to come watch!


The Hartle's said...

The seaweed is always greener in somebody elses lake...

Anonymous said...

Hey Krissy! It's cousin Jessie! Terry & Sharla's hellyn. i am going to invite you to my blog! will you text me your email? Love you tons and i love your blog. I am moving to Washington in 7 weeks! so we need to hang out before then. talk to you soon!