Friday, August 31, 2007

First Day of Senior Year!!!

Ok so this was the first day
of the funnest day of my life...
oh my gosh! I absolutely love
school... being a senior is so fun
and easy... now I know why
everyone says they loved
their senior year! You don't
have to do anything and
everyone like praises you!


Jen said...

You are SO spoiled. :P

Krissy Mae said...


Jen said...

You're actually not.

But it's fun to say. Everyone else says it, and I'm a follower. :)

The Hartle's said...

Hey girly you need to update this blog! You are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!